Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nauvoo Mission 5/27/2012

Hi Gang, Things are beginning to pick up around here, the sites are getting buser all the time. The weather is getting hotter and more humid each day. Which makes concrete work all the harder. The pageant stage is almost done just two more pours to go. This weeks pictures are from the sites. Elder Larsen is giving a tour in the parlor of the Herber C Kimball home and Mom is crying repentance in the herb garden at the Lyon Drug Store. We are both working hard to learn our new parts for rendevous and should be performing them by next week. Mom has to carry most of the load in the part, but I get all the
laughs. Who would have thought we'd be doing all
this singing and acting on a mission. Learning more and more about old Nauvoo and loving it. The saints who lived here were certainly remarkable people. It's great that their story is finally being told in so many differant ways. We feel special just to be a part of it. There are so many stories that turn up all over the place. It's like those behind the vail are pushing to be heard. This whole political thing is really sparking interest in the church and it is very positive. We love and miss you all, Mom & Dad

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