Sunday, August 30, 2009

North Country Mission News 8/30/09

Hi everyone! We have had a good week this week. We started with a District activity (miniature golf and lunch at a Chinese place). We are glad because three of the missionaries are being transferred. We love the young missionaries! We also attended the memorial for the soldiers killed in the month of July. Most of the lives lost are from Ft. Drum since they deploy more here than anywhere else. They have a memorial once each month to honor the fallen soldiers. This one was held outside and was so dignified and respectful and beautiful. There were six killed in July. They begin with prayer and the Star Spangled Banner then tell a short thought about each soldier given by another soldier from his unit. The general says a few words and then they play taps and have a moment of silence. They have a large picture of each soldier that the family keeps. Today in sacrement meeting in Carthage Ward they asked a soldier home on leave to bear his testimony. Bro. Solberg has five children, three teens, and is a computer guy for the Army. He spoke of his appreciation for little things coming home like green grass and trees and rain. He hadn't seen rain in Iraq since March. He then spoke of the church meetings they held in his area. He said they had about fifteen men that met together each week and his favorite meeting was fast and testimony meeting. The spirit is so strong in those meetings as they each share their testimonies. He told of the Ugandan forces over in Iraq and that they were the security guards for their area. They had been sharing the gospel with two of them and they were eager to learn more. One man named Moses wants to be baptized and then he told of the new mission opened up in Uganda and that his family was taking the lessons back there. Bro. Solgerg said that he realized that there is a bigger picture over there and that the blessings of the Priesthood are in Iraq and people are being coverted to the gospel there. It is always so great to hear the stories of those who come back. We have so much respect for these people and all they give up! We hope all is well at home. We have so much to do before we leave. We send our love to you all!! Mom & Dad

Sunday, August 23, 2009

We didn't get around to the blog last week. Thanks for the birthday cards and greetings. We also had our 44th anniversary on the 19th. We're getting up there. We have done a lot of visiting lately! Some new soldiers left and we are visiting their wives. One lady is so upset. It's her hauband's third deployment and she is sure something bad is going to happen. She cries and cries. We don't really know what to do for her except listen. We helped the Sisters clean their apartment. They moved because something in the old apartment was making one of the Sister sick. We got two new, great families who moved into the Carthage Ward. Dad helped both of them out with some projects in the homes they have moved into. We have been teaching Institute almost all summer as the teacher has been gone. We visited a man in a rehab center who has had another bad stroke. They did not think he would make it and he is rocovering well. He knows he has another chance for a reason. He is currently repenting. On Friday the 14th we went up to Lake Placid for my birthday. The drive through the Aderondaks is beautiful. Last time we were there the museums were all closed for the winter. We went to the Olympics Museum and dad is pictured in front of the famous hockey goal when the Americans beat the Russians. Also, the other picture is of Lake Placid and the mountain called Whiteface behind it where the ski competitions took place. It is only 4500 ft. Yesterday we went to Palmyra again and took two men who had not been. It is always so beautiful and has such a spirit. We continue to help out and visit and do what we can. Missionary work is indeed work! We send our love to you all!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

North Country Mission News 8/9/09

We got an email from a couple who will be replacing us. they are from Kaysville and he is retired Air Force. We are excited because they should be out here the last week of October so we will be a ble to leave and be home around the first part of November. We only have a few weeks left and we are trying to get everything and everyone in. We have some temple trips, etc. to make and so many to visit before we go. This week we visited the Maple Museum in Croghan, New York. It was really fun and is located in an old school in a tiny town. The other picture was taken on the way to Clayton as we saw these Amish selling baked goods by the road. We had a picnic at Watertown park for the Young Adults this week. We had a great turnout and lots of fun. Lots of the soldiers came but then left for training for a month. We have had two great new military families move in this week and we have been out helping them do house repairs. We also went to a home to put in a new dishwasher. They have 4 year old twins and they love us to come with our prize bag. They are inactive, but the mom wanted a blessing as she had not been feeling well. When we were leaving the little boy said, Don't go! We said we would come visit again and he said, Come give a blessing and bring prizes. They hug and hug us. We had a family move recently and the children called us Grandma and Grandpa. We get very attatched to these people! We always end up taking some dinners in because that is one thing everyone appreciates, especially the women alone. We had our first Zone Conference with the new Pres. It was very different, but very good. It is always uplifting to attend. We send our love to all and wish you the best! You are always in our prayers!
Love, Mom & Dad

Sunday, August 2, 2009

North Country Mission News 8/2/09

Hi everyone, Things have been busy as usual, lots going on up here. There is always movement in the military in the summer months. Training, vacations, leave, moving, deployments and lots of rain. It has been a disappointing summer as far as the weather goes, but the bright side is everything is sure green. The pictures are interesting and varied. One is of the FHE Black River swimming event. You can see how wide the river is and green the shore line is. It is really a pretty spot. It is in the back yard of one of the YSA in the ward. We went to the re-enactment of the battle for Sacketts Harbor in the war of 1812. They set up a period camp one the exact spot,with all the uniforms, rifles and such. They are really history buffs up here. So great care was taken to have authentic clothes, tents, shoes, cooking and even the food. All the rifles had to work and use black powder. It was a great way to spent our P-day and learn about some history. One of our YSA, Amy who has been here since we first came, deployed Friday with her MP Company to Iraq. This is a shot inside the Gym of the deployment ceremony. People are still moving in and out all the time. It seems like a lot of confusion to us but the army people take it in stride. This December there will be 3 Brigades deployed at the same time, that's 12,000 + soldiers at one time a first for Fort Drum. You can imagine what kind of a impact that will have on the community not to mention the wards. One BCT leaves in Oct. for Iraq taking a counselor in the bishopric, the young mens president, 3 sunday school teachers, elders quorum counselors, exec. secretary and most of the YSA soldiers. Not one of them is leaving kicking or screaming, I'm sure some of the spouses have thought about it. We attended a 2 star Generals briefing to the new incoming soldiers. He made the statement that of the 306 million Americans today less than 1% wear the uniform. That adds new meaning to the statement. "Never have so many owed so much to so few" We feel very blessed to be here and get the chance to serve these soldiers and their families. It's a very special experience almost daily. We still miss you guys and trust you are keeping the faith, hug all those little one for us. Love Mom and Dad