Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nauvoo Mission 4/2012

 Hi Gang, This has been a pretty typical week in good Old Nauvoo.  Work, performances and P-day activities. On Tuesday for our mission training mtg. we heard from a general authority, Elder Choi of the Seventies.  He and his family also came to our Rendevous performace that night, a lot of the humor went way over their heads, they are from Korea. As you can see I spend some of my time with the jumping jack tamping already hard soil.  The temple is right behind the wrought iron fence.  For P-day we went to Keokuk and watched the 25th Annual reenactment of a civil war battle of Shiloh, Hornet's Nest. It was really quite impressive lots of smoke and loud noise. There were 4 canons that fire
back and forth at each other.  It lasted for about 45 minutes with attacks and retreats on both sides. Lots of emphasis of authenticity in clothing and weapons, a whole bunch of black powder was used also. Saturday we met the Jones (Carol and Blair) family. Bret Tueller was with them, He is married to Carol's grandaughter. They were here for a family reunion. Happy birthday to Theo and Shrader coming up. Rained all day today so things are pretty wet. We miss you all especially the ball games, but really enjoy being here and feeling the spirit.  Love Mom & Dad/ Robert and Susan

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nauvoo Mission

Hi everyone!  Another busy week has gone by.  Dad continues his work on the Clark Store restored into a family history center.  Three general authorities will be coming the middle of May for the opening.  They have been doing the concrete all around the back.  This week I worked in 3 new places, the 70's Hall, the Log Schoolhouse and the John Taylor home.  It's fun to learn about each place and do the tours.  I also got a bad cold this week, but we hear that's normal here in Nauvoo when you first get here.  We had our first week with two performances of the musical "Rendevouz".  The weather here has been cool and rainey.  We are starting to feel more comfortable with everything.  Darrel & Judy Larson called and we got to visit with them on their way to their mission this week.  We also saw a couple we worked with in Bountiful temple.
We send our love to you all, we think of you often and pray for each of you. Love, Mom & Dad, Robert & Susan

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nauvoo MissionAA

Hi gang, all is going well in Old Nauvoo. We have been busy but totally enjoying it. We performed in our first live Rendevouz this week and it went great. It was really fun it is such a great story and super music. We played to a full house and they were great. Today Mom and I worked in the Wainwright, Wheelwright and blacksmith shop together, we got to talk about building wagons and making horseshoes. I was actually working with red hot metal as you can see. Working in the sites helps one to appreciate what those people had to do on a daily basis just to survive. Talk about faith and hard work on a daily basis. We really love this place history is
everywhere. The Clark Store is almost all finished on the inside but there is a lot to do outside. It has been raining here for several days. The Open house is 15-19 May with 3 general authorities coming, so the pressure is on. I will be doing sidewalks and curbing for some time. We miss you all and pray for your well being and success. Keep the cards and letters coming. We have been to the two biggest cities near here and there is not much to do in either. It is good we are keep busy in our work. Love

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nauvoo Mission

 Hi again friends and family!  We had another good week this week with dad working on projects and me working on some new historical sites.  I got to work in the post office and Lyon's Drug store and the Family Living Center.  We also went to the temple this week.  It is so beautiful.  The bottom floor is a replica of the original room where they held their church meetings.  They don't use that part when you go through the endowment.  They have four different rooms you go through with wall paintings as part of the ceremony.  They are in pioneer style, but homey and elegant.  There is such a spirit there especially when you learn about how much they sacrificed to build their temple.  The picture of the sunset is close to our house, we walk down to the river to see it often.  Today we had an Easter program at church with a missionary choir and then Zone Conference this evening with instruction from the Mission Pres.  We continue to practice for our musical programs.  Everything is so much fun because we get to know all the other missionaries and share everything with them.  It is inspirational to learn all the history here and the great work and faith of these people.  We went over to Quincey on p day to shop as there is not much here in Nauvoo to shop in.  We send our love to you all.  Take care and be well and happy!  Love Mom & Dad, Robert & Susan

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello everyone
from good old
Nauvoo.  We have been through a really busy week, but totally enjoyable.  Lots of song practice for the Rendezvous and Sunset.

These are two musical plays that are performed nightly by the missionaries at Nauvoo.  Rendezvous is a story about Nauvoo, Sunset is a production musical with band and all where the missionaries are the chorus. We are busy learning the music and movement parts. This requires lots of practice time.  Mom started working at the historical sites this week, the Heber C Kimbal home,   Lyon Drug and the Family Living Center (FLC).  I worked out of the carpenter shop, my companion, a former professor at UVU, and I installed a new shower sorround in the young sisters home.  There are 20 young sisters who will arrive on the 11th of April to work the visitors center for the summer. The work we do is  pretty basic and we enjoy it.  The picture above is the back or our home with the rig I get to bring home each night.  The trailer is full of power tools and supplies.  Mom and I work together on Sundays at the sites.  We worked at the FLC today.  I got the tell people about rope making, barrel making (coopering) and pottery.  This site involves participation from the viewers. Besides being interesting to me I really enjoyed meeting the people.  Mom explained candle making, bread making and the spinning process.  We will change sites each Sunday.  We were able to hear most of conference.  The weather here has been perfect and we are getting more comfortable each day.  We send our love to you all.