Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mission News 4/5/09

Hi Gang, we have had another busy week. This is a picture of a bowling District activity at the alley at Ft. Drum. Since then we have a new Sister and Elder. The sister is Sister Heaton and she lives by Dave & Aleta. Her little sister dated Davey. Small world. The second picture is one of the new dad of the twins in the nursery. They are home and doing great. The young couple is doing a great job with them. Thought I'd share some of our daily activities during this week. we started with an open house at Carthage Ward for investigators. Hardly anyone came. We took some dinner to the family of the little boy with Lukemia and to a Sister who is sick and her husband is leaving for training. Dad helped two members with repairs on their houses, one is moving and the other is remodeling. Thursday we had Zone Conference in Utica. It was a beautiful sunny day for a change. The Mission Pres. and his wife are starting to get a little emotional about leaving. They have called a new Pres. due in July and they are training them by phone now. The new Pres. is going to be Bullock from Cedar City. The church trains them by phone conference and then they train with the Mission Pres. by phone conference for several months before they come out. We finished Temple Prep. lessons for one couple who just had their baby, so they are ready when they plan to go. We will be able to go with them. Conference weekend is a welcome event around here. We go to the church for the meetings. Not too many show up, but some watch it on the BYU station or on computer. It is very impressive to the people out here to see the prophet, etc. They always have an ice cream social before the Priesthood session. It gives Dad a chance to visit. We try to have over twenty visits each week plus do all our volunteer work. We never lack for people to visit, in fact, we can't get to everyone soon enough. We love the work and the people. The spring isn't too bad, we actually have seen the sun and most the snow is gone. We are looking forward to summer. We miss you all. It seems like I can't even remember what the house looks like, it's been a long time! We send our love to you all!

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