Tuesday, September 23, 2008

mission news 8/23/08

Hi gang, This is a street view of the Lowville Cheese Cake festival  we attended last Sat. on our P-day.  There were some 30,000 people there with all kinds of booths selling everything.  Mom was in her hay day.  I had to keep asking her the question about how we were going to get it home.  It was really kind of fun.  There was a cream cheese filling, eating contest and a tractor pull contest for kids using John Deere pedal
tractors pulling a trailer filled with sand bags.  There was also the unveiling of the worlds largest cream cheese cake.  All this is big time for Lowville because the Kraft cream cheese factory is there.  Most of the cream cheese for the US is produced there.  Lowville is the big dairy producing area.  Work is still going great, we a kept very busy with all the hot irons we juggle.  The Lord continues to answer our prayers with YSA showing up at church wanting to be active.  We had a lot of visits with the spouses which is always inspiring.  When bedtime rolls around we are really ready for sleep.  The weather has been just gorgeous, clear blue sky and cool evenings  We actually had a hard frost on Mon. morning so the leaves will be really changing now.  The farmers are cutting the seed corn now and clearing the fields, lots of activity going on.  We are loving the work and can see some real value in what we are doing.  These soldiers are just great, they can't wait to get over there and be part of the war.  I have a hard time understanding their motivation sometimes but admire their courage.  We love and miss you all.  Hang tough.  Mom and Dad

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