Hi Gang, sorry for the late blog things have been busy with the open house tomorrow. We finally got ever thing done, unbelievable. Picture below is of one of the concrete, pours. I'm the one in the middle with a loaded shovel, note this scene because you will see a real change in the finished scene to follow next week. We went to Quincy on our P-day and found the locations of the 5 pharmacies the Heidbreders owned. The first ones were in the old German area of town. It was fun. There is only one original building still standing. The other picture is of the cast outside the Cultural Hall after Rendevous greeting the crowd. Mom is center right with a black shawl (haha). We built two large arbors in record time, all done by 3 old missionaries. Who would have thought. I hope things will settle down now. We love this place, things are really starting to pick up, we practiced with the young performers for Sunset, they are great. Weather is great not hot yet. We miss you all and feel sorry we
are missing all the games and such, but wouldn't

miss this experience for anything. Old Nauvoo
has really gotten into our blood. Happy birthday
to Melissa and Bob this week, we are all getting older. Sunday we had a fireside on the history of the restoration in Nauvoo, this year is the 50 year anniversary of the beginning, with old picture and all. It was interesting to see the change that has taken place and how the church policy has changed. All in all this is quite a place
we feel very blessed just to be here. Take care and keep those cards and letters coming. Mom loved her Mothers day gift, thanks to all. Much
love Mom and Dad,