Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nauvoo MissionAA

Hi gang, all is going well in Old Nauvoo. We have been busy but totally enjoying it. We performed in our first live Rendevouz this week and it went great. It was really fun it is such a great story and super music. We played to a full house and they were great. Today Mom and I worked in the Wainwright, Wheelwright and blacksmith shop together, we got to talk about building wagons and making horseshoes. I was actually working with red hot metal as you can see. Working in the sites helps one to appreciate what those people had to do on a daily basis just to survive. Talk about faith and hard work on a daily basis. We really love this place history is
everywhere. The Clark Store is almost all finished on the inside but there is a lot to do outside. It has been raining here for several days. The Open house is 15-19 May with 3 general authorities coming, so the pressure is on. I will be doing sidewalks and curbing for some time. We miss you all and pray for your well being and success. Keep the cards and letters coming. We have been to the two biggest cities near here and there is not much to do in either. It is good we are keep busy in our work. Love

1 comment:

Mark Larsen said...

Look at you handling molten metal! What are they thinking!? We are excited to see the pictures and are proud of the example you are. Keep up the good work!