Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nauvoo Mission

Hi everyone!  Another busy week has gone by.  Dad continues his work on the Clark Store restored into a family history center.  Three general authorities will be coming the middle of May for the opening.  They have been doing the concrete all around the back.  This week I worked in 3 new places, the 70's Hall, the Log Schoolhouse and the John Taylor home.  It's fun to learn about each place and do the tours.  I also got a bad cold this week, but we hear that's normal here in Nauvoo when you first get here.  We had our first week with two performances of the musical "Rendevouz".  The weather here has been cool and rainey.  We are starting to feel more comfortable with everything.  Darrel & Judy Larson called and we got to visit with them on their way to their mission this week.  We also saw a couple we worked with in Bountiful temple.
We send our love to you all, we think of you often and pray for each of you. Love, Mom & Dad, Robert & Susan

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