Sunday, August 9, 2009

North Country Mission News 8/9/09

We got an email from a couple who will be replacing us. they are from Kaysville and he is retired Air Force. We are excited because they should be out here the last week of October so we will be a ble to leave and be home around the first part of November. We only have a few weeks left and we are trying to get everything and everyone in. We have some temple trips, etc. to make and so many to visit before we go. This week we visited the Maple Museum in Croghan, New York. It was really fun and is located in an old school in a tiny town. The other picture was taken on the way to Clayton as we saw these Amish selling baked goods by the road. We had a picnic at Watertown park for the Young Adults this week. We had a great turnout and lots of fun. Lots of the soldiers came but then left for training for a month. We have had two great new military families move in this week and we have been out helping them do house repairs. We also went to a home to put in a new dishwasher. They have 4 year old twins and they love us to come with our prize bag. They are inactive, but the mom wanted a blessing as she had not been feeling well. When we were leaving the little boy said, Don't go! We said we would come visit again and he said, Come give a blessing and bring prizes. They hug and hug us. We had a family move recently and the children called us Grandma and Grandpa. We get very attatched to these people! We always end up taking some dinners in because that is one thing everyone appreciates, especially the women alone. We had our first Zone Conference with the new Pres. It was very different, but very good. It is always uplifting to attend. We send our love to all and wish you the best! You are always in our prayers!
Love, Mom & Dad

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