Sunday, August 2, 2009

North Country Mission News 8/2/09

Hi everyone, Things have been busy as usual, lots going on up here. There is always movement in the military in the summer months. Training, vacations, leave, moving, deployments and lots of rain. It has been a disappointing summer as far as the weather goes, but the bright side is everything is sure green. The pictures are interesting and varied. One is of the FHE Black River swimming event. You can see how wide the river is and green the shore line is. It is really a pretty spot. It is in the back yard of one of the YSA in the ward. We went to the re-enactment of the battle for Sacketts Harbor in the war of 1812. They set up a period camp one the exact spot,with all the uniforms, rifles and such. They are really history buffs up here. So great care was taken to have authentic clothes, tents, shoes, cooking and even the food. All the rifles had to work and use black powder. It was a great way to spent our P-day and learn about some history. One of our YSA, Amy who has been here since we first came, deployed Friday with her MP Company to Iraq. This is a shot inside the Gym of the deployment ceremony. People are still moving in and out all the time. It seems like a lot of confusion to us but the army people take it in stride. This December there will be 3 Brigades deployed at the same time, that's 12,000 + soldiers at one time a first for Fort Drum. You can imagine what kind of a impact that will have on the community not to mention the wards. One BCT leaves in Oct. for Iraq taking a counselor in the bishopric, the young mens president, 3 sunday school teachers, elders quorum counselors, exec. secretary and most of the YSA soldiers. Not one of them is leaving kicking or screaming, I'm sure some of the spouses have thought about it. We attended a 2 star Generals briefing to the new incoming soldiers. He made the statement that of the 306 million Americans today less than 1% wear the uniform. That adds new meaning to the statement. "Never have so many owed so much to so few" We feel very blessed to be here and get the chance to serve these soldiers and their families. It's a very special experience almost daily. We still miss you guys and trust you are keeping the faith, hug all those little one for us. Love Mom and Dad

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