Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nauvoo Mission 5/6/2012

Dear family and friends,
 Another busy week has gone by.  Things are starting to pick up a little here in Nauvoo.  40 young performing missionaries came in on Wednesday. They will learn everything in 2 weeks for the summer production "Sunset on the Mississippi"  The pictures this week are of me in the Wilford Woodruf kitchen and the one of dad is in the Browning gun shop.  He was excited to get a chance to work there. We are getting better acquainted each day.  There are 160 Senior Missionaries here, 17 are senior single sistersplus 20 Young Sister Missionaries.  They are great people from all walks of life.  Each has quite a story to tell.  So many are so inspirational!  Today in R.S. some of the sisters shared some of the Nauvoo miracles in their lives that eventually brought them here.  Our Rendevous cast all went to dinner on Fri. to an old brewery bldg. in Warsaw together.  It was fun.  Dad and I have been asked to learn one of the large parts in Rendevous, so we have a lot of memorizing to do in the next few weeks.  It's a funny part and should be lots of fun!  We send our love to all.  Be sure to check out facebook for additional pictures.  Happy birthdat to Brian's Brooke this week!  Take care!

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