Monday, September 14, 2009

North Country Mission News 9/14/09

Hi family! The picture os of the Labor Day picnic at Watertown Ward on Monday. They had a chili and pie making contest. It was lots of fun and we love these things because we can visit with so many people at once. We had pur usual busy week. We made lots of viasits and helped fix a dryer. The Burville Cider Mill is open again for the fall, so we got donuts and cider for District Mtg. The donuts are warm when you buy them and they are yummy! We made another trip to the temple this week. We took two women, one who did baptisms for the dead and one who went through a session. I held her baby while she went through. We had an ice cream social for the Young Adults on Sunday night before the CES fireside. We are getting a good group out now and it makes it so great! We will be sad to leave all of them. We had one of those amazing stories happen to us this week. There is a young soldier named Jason Hise from Florida. He was a brand new convert and we contacted him. He came to a few things and we visited him in the hospital here when he had surgery, then we didn't see him for a awhile. Each month for our YA dinner we call to remind everyone. One month we called him and he called us back and said that he had been shot breaking up a fight in Florida. He lost his spleen, part of his liver and kidney and bowel. He was in bad shape and wanted a blessing. Dad got on the computer and found some Elders in the area to go to the hospital. Later when he was home we called again to see how he was doing. He wanted another blessing so we called the Bishop in the area who sent some Elders. Last Sunday he walked into church. He had lost 30 lbs. but was doing well. He told us that the Elders had become friends of his and had been teaching him and were now teaching his friend at home. He knows he has been given a second chance and wants to be active again. The whole story is a small miracle! We are excited because many of the soldiers who left last fall will be returning soon. We can't wait to go to the welcome home ceremonies. Some of the advance party is coming back this week. Needless to say, the wives are so excited! The time is going by so quickly these past few weeks! We have so much we want to do before we leave. We send our love to all! Mom & Dad

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