Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mission News 5/17/09

Sorry for no blog last week. We get too busy sometimes. First of all, thanks to you all for the Mother's Day gifts, goodies and gift cards! It was great to hear from all of you. I'm lucky to be your mom! We have done a great deal these past two weeks. We started out with our Young Adult monthly dinner. Sunday we also brought food and had a YA fireside broadcast. Last week we delivered about 35 Mother's Day gifts to the women whose husbands are gone. These are great visits! They are short and the women loved being remembered and visited. It is especially great for the inactives because there is no agenda, just a friendly visit and asking them how we can help. They warm right up. We are learning to love so many of the families and getting to know them well now. We are doing a lot of driving lately. None of the soldiers in the YA group have a car so we leave an hour early to pick up and an extra hour at the end to take home for Family Home Evening, Institute and church. Also, we had Zone Conference last week in Utica, went to Palmyra on Saturday to take a girl who was just baptized and another to the temple. We will be going to Palmyra the next three weekends. We had a baptism last Saturday after which the Elders were playing basketball and one of them sprained his ankle badly and we were up half the night checking on him at the hospital with the other five Elders. About three a.m. they determined it was not broken, so everyone went home. We also drove a young sister to Syracuse for a counseling session, visited in the Psyche Ward a young woman who lost control and resisted police, helped paint, taught Institute class, cleaned out a storage room and took home piles of blankets to wash, took in several meals, etc. Our time here is certainly not boring. The pictures with this blog are two of the favorites of this week. The first is at Zone Conference with all the missionaries studying their scriptures just before the Mission Pres. enters. The second was in Clayton while we were visiting some members. The little town is on the St. Lawrence River and we saw a huge container ship pass by. It is about the length of two football fields. The spring is so beautiful here. Everything turned green in a matter of two weeks and it it so pretty. The Sacred Grove is all a light green with the new leaves and beautiful spring flowers along the paths. Today was Stake Conference after which we brought home 8 young adults for dinner. We had a great time. We send our love to all and wish you the best. You are in our prayers every day! Love, Mom & Dad

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